Back to list M3 Junction 9 Improvement

Representation by Richard Dilwyn Hawker

Date submitted
13 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is a massive increase in width of the motorway, effectively doubling in size. Although the plan is to create 'species-rich' grassland, etc, the fact is that land is being taken to build this motorway. Existing wildlife and environment will be affected, totally unnecessarily. Bigger roads attract more traffic; this has been established many times. This will inevitably mean increased carbon emissions, at a time when we are, as a planet, and particularly as a nation, trying to lead the way in tackling climate change. This is in addition to the carbon emissions involved in construction. Better ways are available to solve transport problems, if they exist here, and these should be pursued very carefully before bigger roads are built. The Welsh government has realised this. England should surely realise this too. I object to this proposal.