Back to list M3 Junction 9 Improvement

Representation by Thomas Rogers

Date submitted
13 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These are my remaining comments from the 2021 consultation that I would like to enter into the Examination: 1/ Why has the existing R&W materials compound site situated right next to Junction 9 between the M3 SB Onslip and the Spitfire spur road not been part of the construction compounds choice or explained in the Assessment of Alternatives - it is run by an established National Highways contractor, it is full of 'recycled' potential engineering fill material from the strategic road network and is adjacent to the site/junction and could reduce or at least ease the need for greenfield construction compounds. 2/ Regarding the ‘Cart and Horses junction’ on the A33 just outside the proposed Order Limits, there is a most fantastic opportunity to include in this scheme (with collaboration between Hampshire County Council, Winchester City Council and National Highways) to incorporate the long needed upgrade of this awful staggered junction between the B3047 and A33 (which has seen so many road traffic accidents over many years) into the wider proposals, all while Tier 1 contractors are on site with the main M3 J9 Improvements scheme. 3/ My family and I will remain interested in the quality of biodiversity and habitat opportunities set out in the Outline LEMP and would like to see those commitments made by some means or other that would enable longer than a 20 year duration of suitable maintenance.