Back to list M3 Junction 9 Improvement

Representation by Richard Needham

Date submitted
13 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

£200 million could be better spent on things with a positive impact rather than the negative impact this scheme will produce. We need to have fewer cars on the roads, not make space for more. I am concerned about air pollution and the impact this will have on biodiversity and its cabin footprint. Winchesters air quality is already particularly bad and this will only add to it. We are in the 91st percentile for poor air quality. 90% of the country enjoy better air quality than we do here in Winchester. That’s a shocking statistic We would be better spending this money on fixing the potholes and redoing the worn off markings on our current roads. We should be using it to create cycle ways pedestrianising our city centre and improving our public transport system, electrics buses and trains. The money could be used towards making Winchester a beacon green city. With electric buses and taxis, lots of rewilding and creating more green spaces. Cycle ways and parks. Growth and expansion are unsustainable. We have to make some radical changes to the way we live, work and travel. The future is not in felling trees, concrete and tarmac. The future is Green or not at all. ????