
All project updates

4 June 2024

The Secretary of State granted development consent for this application.

For further information please refer to the following decision documentation:

All of the above documents can be accessed on the webpage.

20 May 2024

10 May 2024

The Responses to the Secretary of State’s letter dated 26 April 2024 (PDF, 127KB) have been published.

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 134KB) requesting information from National Highways, Northern Gas Networks and Historic England by 17 May 2024.

26 April 2024

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 127KB) requesting comments from All Interested Parties by 7 May 2024.

25 April 2024

The Responses to the Secretary of State’s letter dated 16 April 2024 (PDF, 121KB) have been published.

18 April 2024

The Responses to the Secretary of State’s letter dated 27 March 2024 (PDF, 136KB) have been published.

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 121KB) requesting comments from Natural England and National Highways by 24 April 2024.

27 March 2024

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 136KB) requesting comments from Natural England, National Highways and all other Interested Parties by 14 April 2024.

25 March 2024

National Highways have provided updated information in response to the Secretary of State’s letter of 7 November 2023 (PDF, 160KB)

30 November 2023

The Responses to the Secretary of State's consultation letter dated 7 November 2023 (PDF, 160KB) have been published.

7 November 2023

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 160KB) to the Applicant requesting updated information in relation to outstanding matters before determining the application.

The deadline for any response is 23:59 on 21 November 2023.

1 November 2023

Responses to the Secretary of State's Consultation of 11 October (Consultation 5) have been published.

11 October 2023

The Secretary of State has issued a letter (PDF, 131 KB ) to the Applicant and relevant Interested Parties requesting updated information in relation to outstanding matters before determining the application.

The deadline for any response is 23:59 on 25 October 2023.

5 September 2023

The Secretary of State has decided to set a new deadline for decision on this application of 5 June 2024.

For further information, please refer to the Written Ministerial Statement Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament  laid in Parliament.

6 December 2022

The Secretary of State has decided to set a new deadline for decision on this application of 5 September 2023.

For further information, please refer to the Written Ministerial Statement laid in Parliament.

5 December 2022

The Application remains with the Secretary of State for consideration. An update on this application will be provided as soon as possible.

7 June 2022

The Secretary of State has decided to set a new deadline for decision on this application of 5 December 2022.

For further information, please refer to the written statement laid in Parliament.

7 March 2022

4 February 2022

The Secretary of State for the Department of Transport to has written to all Interested Parties (PDF,189KB) inviting comments on the Applicant’s response to the consultation of 22 December 2021.

The deadline for responses is 04 March 2022.

20 January 2022

Following a request from National Highways the Secretary of State has agreed to extend the deadline for National Highways to respond to his most recent consultation letter (PDF, 216KB)  from 19 January 2022 to 26 January 2022.

22 December 2021

The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 216KB) requesting comments and information from National Highways (formerly Highways England) by 19 January 2022.

15 December 2021

The Secretary of State has decided to set a new deadline for decision on this application of 5 June 2022.

For further information, please refer to the written statement laid in Parliament.

24 November 2021

Responses to the Secretary of State’s consultation letter (PDF, 167KB) dated 16 November 2021 have been published.

16 November 2021

The Secretary of State for the Department of Transport has written to all Interested Parties, Mr Hawes and Mr Davidson seeking further information (PDF, 167KB).

The deadline for response is 23:59 on 23 November 2021.

15 November 2021

Responses to the Secretary of State’s consultation letter dated 29 October 2021 have been published.

29 October 2021

The Secretary of State has issued a letter (PDF, 226 KB) to the Applicant and relevant Interested Parties requesting updated information in relation to outstanding matters before determining the application.

The deadline for any response is 23:59 on 12 November 2021.

5 October 2021

Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate

6 July 2021

The Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 July 2021. Notification of completion of the Examination (s99) (PDF, 106KB) has been issued.

The late Deadline 11 submissions have now been published.

5 July 2021

The Deadline 11 submissions have now been published.

5 July 2021

The Examination closes at 23:59 on Monday 05 July 2021.

1 July 2021

The Deadline 10 submissions have now been published.

16 June 2021

The video recordings and transcripts from Issue Specific Hearing 5 have now been published.

15 June 2021

The video recordings and transcripts from Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 4 and Open Floor Hearing 3 have now been published.

14 June 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH5 is available for those wishing to observe in real time. ISH5 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 10am on Tuesday 15 June 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

14 June 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 4 (CAH4) and Open Floor Hearing 3 (OFH3) have been sent.

The Livestream of CAH4 and OFH3 is available for those wishing to observe in real time:

  • CAH4 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 2pm on Monday 14 June 2021

  • OFH3 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 5pm on Monday 14 June 2021

If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

11 June 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 4 (CAH4) have been sent.

The Livestream of CAH4 is available for those wishing to observe in real time. CAH4 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 2pm on Monday 14 June 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

The video recordings and transcripts from Issue Specific Hearing 4 (Parts 1 and 2) have now been published.

10 June 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission (PDF, 73KB) from Colin Moor.

The video recordings and transcripts from Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 have now been published.

9 June 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) (Part 2) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH4 (Part 2) is available for those wishing to observe in real time.  ISH4 (Part 2) will start broadcasting live once it opens at 10am on Thursday 10 June 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

8 June 2021

The Deadline 8a submissions have now been published.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 (CAH3) and Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) have been sent.

The Livestream of CAH3 and ISH4 is available for those wishing to observe in real time:

  • CAH3 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 10am on Wednesday 9 June 2021

  • ISH4 will start broadcasting live once it opens at 2pm on Wednesday 9 June 2021

If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

8 June 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission (PDF, 158KB) from Northumbrian Water.

2 June 2021

A Rule 8(3) letter (PDF, 278KB) providing details of a Procedural Decision made by the Examining Authority and changes to the Examination Timetable has been published.

2 June 2021

The Agendas for the following Hearings have been published:

26 May 2021

The Deadline 8 submissions have been published.

25 May 2021

The note of the Examining Authority’s Unaccompanied Site Inspection (PDF, 119KB) on 19 May and 20 May 2021 has been published.

24 May 2021

Representations for Deadline 7a, in response to the Applicant’s Change Request, have been received from:

The Examining Authority’s Further Written Questions (ExQ4) (PDF, 147KB) have now been published.

Responses are due by Deadline 8a: 4 June 2021.

12 May 2021

The Examining Authority’s Further Written Questions (ExQ3) (PDF, 211KB) have now been published.

Responses are due by Deadline 8: 25 May 2021.

The Deadline 7 submissions have been published.

11 May 2021

Following the Examining Authority’s (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant’s request for changes to the Proposed Development (PDF, 334KB) for examination, comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provisions by midnight Thursday 20 May 2021.

Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s Material Change Request (PDF, 450KB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Examining Authority’s Further Written Questions (ExQ3) (PDF, 211KB) have now been published.

Responses are due by Deadline 8: 25 May 2021.

10 May 2021

Following the Examining Authority’s (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant’s request for changes to the Proposed Development (PDF, 334KB) for examination, comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provisions by midnight Thursday 20 May 2021.

Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s Material Change Request (PDF, 450KB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

A Rule 13 letter (PDF, 130KB) providing details of Procedural Decisions made by the Examining Authority and notification of Hearings that will be held during the weeks commencing 7 June 2021 and 14 June 2021 has been published.

6 May 2021

Following the Examining Authority’s (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant’s request for changes to the Proposed Development (PDF, 334KB) for examination, comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provisions by midnight Thursday 20 May 2021.

Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s Material Change Request (PDF, 450KB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Deadline 6 submissions have been published

26 April 2021

Following the Examining Authority’s (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant’s request for changes to the Proposed Development (PDF, 334KB) for examination, comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provisions by midnight Thursday 20 May 2021.

Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s Material Change Request (PDF, 450KB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Action Points following the Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings held between 20 and 22 April 2021 (PDF, 77KB) have been published.

21 April 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH3 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that ISH3 (Day 2 of 2) will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Thursday 22 April 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

The video recordings and transcripts from Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 have now been published.

20 April 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH3 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that ISH3 (Day 1 of 2) will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Wednesday 21 April 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

19 April 2021

The Deadline 5a submissions have been published.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) have been sent.

The Livestream of CAH2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that CAH2 will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 20 April 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

14 April 2021

The Examining Authority’s has exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission from Gamma Telecom Limited (PDF, 219KB) stating that it owns no apparatus in the area of the Proposed Development.

The Agendas for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) on Tuesday 20 April 2021 (PDF, 201 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) on Wednesday 21 April 2021 (PDF, 231 KB) have been published.

14 April 2021

The note of the Examining Authority’s Unaccompanied Site Inspection (PDF, 105KB) on 31 March and 1 April 2021 has been published.

13 April 2021

9 April 2021

The Examining Authority (ExA) has issued a letter providing details of Procedural Decisions taken as well as changes to the Examination Timetable (PDF, 334 KB) in view of the Applicant’s intention to make changes to its application. A Revised Examination Timetable is provided at Annex A.

The ExA’s Proposed Provision Checklist (PDF, 191 KB) has also been published.

7 April 2021

The Deadline 5 submissions have been published.

30 March 2021

The Examining Authority has issued a Request for Further Information – Rule 17 to The Applicant and the Environment Agency. (PDF, 128KB) The ExA requires responses on Deadline 5, 1 April 2021.

22 March 2021

A Rule 13 letter (PDF, 152 KB) providing details of Procedural Decisions made by the Examining Authority and notification of Hearings that will be held during the week commencing 19 April 2021 has been published.

The Examining Authority's Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (PDF, 447 KB) have now been published.

Responses are due by Deadline 5: 1 April 2021.

19 March 2021

The Examining Authority's Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (PDF, 447 KB) have now been published.

Responses are due by Deadline 5: 1 April 2021.

16 March 2021

The Deadline 4 submissions have been published.

1 March 2021

The Action Points following the Open Floor, Issue Specific and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings held between 22 and 26 February 2021 (PDF, 93KB) have been published.

1 March 2021

The video recordings and transcripts from Issue Specific Hearing 2 (Day 2 of 2) have now been published.

26 February 2021

The video recordings and transcripts from Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2 (Day 1 of 2) have now been published.

25 February 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that ISH2 (Day 2 of 2) will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Friday 26 February 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

The video recordings and transcripts from Issue Specific Hearing 1 have now been published.

24 February 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time. Please note that ISH2 will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Thursday 25 February 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

The video recordings and transcripts from Issue Specific Hearing 1 have now been published.

23 February 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH1) have been sent.

The Livestream of CAH1 is available for those wishing to observe in real time. Please note that CAH1 will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Wednesday 24 February 2021.
If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

The video recordings and transcripts from Open Floor Hearings 1 and 2 have now been published.

23 February 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Issue Specific Hearing into the dDCO (ISH1) have been sent.

The Livestream of ISH1 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that ISH1 will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 23 February 2021.

If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

19 February 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) and Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) have been sent.

The Livestream of OFH1 and OFH2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that OFH1 will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10.00am on Monday 22 February 2021. OFH2 will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 6.30pm on Monday 22 February 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

19 February 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Northern Powergrid Holdings Company (PDF, 543KB).

16 February 2021

The Deadline 3 submissions have been published.

12 February 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept a late submission for Deadline 2 (PDF, 147KB).

12 February 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Robin Duckett (PDF, 235KB).

9 February 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Brockthorpe Consultancy Ltd (PDF, 176KB).

3 February 2021

The Submissions for Deadline 2 have now been published.

1 February 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised their discretion to accept an additional submission from Brockthorpe Consultancy (PDF 120KB).

26 January 2021

A Rule 17 Letter (PDF, 150 KB) has been issued to the Applicant by the Examining Authority. Any parties wishing to provide a response to any points within this letter can do so by Deadline 2 (Friday 29 January 2021).

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept a late submission for Deadline 1.

14 January 2021

Deadline 1 submissions have been published.

6 January 2021

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

5 January 2021

The recording from the Preliminary Meeting Part 2 has been published: Preliminary Meeting Part 2 – 05 January 2021.

5 January 2021

The Examining Authority has exercised it’s discretion to accept West End Anglers Club’s statement concerning the Applicant’s proposed changes (PDF, 77 KB) as an additional submission.

5 January 2021

Examination begins

4 January 2021

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Preliminary Meeting (PM) have been sent.

The Livestream of PM Part 2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that the PM will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 5 January 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

23 December 2020

Responses to Procedural Deadline B have been published.

The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.

23 December 2020

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Natural England’s statement concerning the Applicant’s proposed changes (PDF, 222 KB) as an Additional Submission.

Please note that this documentation does not indicate that the change has been accepted by the Examining Authority.

16 December 2020

The recording from the Preliminary Meeting Part 1 has been published:

Preliminary Meeting Part 1 Session 1 – 15 December 2020 and Preliminary Meeting Part 1 Session 2 – 15 December 2020

16 December 2020

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept a Summary of Proposed Changes to Application Version 2 (PDF, 14 MB)  and a Summary of Proposed Changes to Application Version 2 (tracked changes) (PDF, MB) as additional submissions from the Applicant.

Please note that this documentation does not indicate that the change has been accepted by the Examining Authority.

15 December 2020

Preliminary Meeting takes place

14 December 2020

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Preliminary Meeting (PM) have been sent.

The Livestream of PM Part 1 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.

Please note that the PM will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 15 December 2020. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

We would remind those observing the PM that there is an opportunity to provide any written responses to matters raised at the PM by Procedural Deadline B (22 December 2020).

11 December 2020

The responses to Procedural Deadline A have now been published and include a notification of intention to make a change request from the Applicant. Please note that the letter, or supporting documentation relating to the change does not indicate that the change has been accepted by the ExA.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Preliminary Meeting (PM) Part 1 will be issued shortly. The Livestream of PM Part 1 is available for those wishing to observe it in real time. Please note that the PM will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10:00AM on Tuesday 15 December 2020. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.

26 November 2020

The Examining Authority (ExA) has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from Last Mile Gas Limited, Last Mile Electricity Limited, Energy Assets Pipelines Limited, Energy Assets Networks Limited, Energy Assets Power Networks Limited and Energy Assets Fibre Networks Limited stating that they have no assets in the area of the Proposed Development.

19 November 2020

The Rule 6 letter (PDF, 667KB) notifying of the Preliminary Meeting (PM) has been issued.
This includes details of the PM, the draft Examination Timetable and other related matters.

Part 1 of the Preliminary Meeting will be held on 15 December 2020. Invitations to this meeting have been sent to Interested Parties.

The ExA’s Written Questions (ExQ1) (PDF, 758KB) have also been published.

19 November 2020

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

6 November 2020

Relevant representations published on the website

3 November 2020

The Examining Authority has issued a Progress Note (PDF, 109KB) to update Interested Persons on its latest position and to request further information from all Interested Parties, in the form of a Questionnaire, to help seek views on the way in which the application should be examined.

The deadline for questionnaire responses is 16 November 2020

30 October 2020

Registration of interested parties closes

17 September 2020

Registration of interested parties begins

16 September 2020

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from the Applicant in response to the s55 checklist issued 4 August 2020 and the Procedural Decision dated 5 August 2020.

14 September 2020

Site Availability
This site will be unavailable between 18:00 and 20:00 on Monday 14 September 2020 whilst maintenance work is carried out.

5 August 2020

A Procedural Decision has been published requesting additional and updated evidence from the Applicant.

4 August 2020

The application has been accepted for examination

7 July 2020

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate