Back to list A1 in Northumberland - Morpeth to Ellingham

Representation by Scott Clarehugh

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I welcome and support the applicants request to the secretary of state for a DCO to progress with the design and planning of the proposed highway improvements. The A1 in Northumberland greatly needs widening to accommodate the increasing volume of traffic using the road. The scheme will reduce travel time by use of slip roads and roundabouts giving better access to the highway. Road safety will also be greatly improved. The current road suffers from long delays and sadly there are still many RTA's causing loss of life. My property is directly affected by the road expansion as it is land adjoining the current highway. I am satisfied with the information provided and previous consultation work carried out by the developer. I fully support this DCO application. Scott Clarehugh