Back to list A1 in Northumberland - Morpeth to Ellingham

Representation by Robert John Fenwick Thorp (Robert John Fenwick Thorp)

Date submitted
27 October 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My client is concerned about the signage of the scheme to his property and the holiday business. At present there is a sign to the property, and given this access will be blocked up, we are concerned that the new service road will be badly signed. My client is concerned about the service road, the width and the future maintenance. It is unclear if the entire service road is to be a maintainable road at the Highways expense or at the Councils or to the users. We are also concerned about the width of the road given the huge amount of traffic. My client is concerned about the reduced access provisions from his property which currently are directly to the [] near his drive. My client is concerned with the plans to erect permanent habitat mitigation on his property and the impacts those will have over the management of the woodland in particularly. My client is concerned about the increase noise, dust and vibration to his property as the [] gets closer to the highway and would like to ensure that suitable mitigation is installed to reduce this impact. they would like to ensure that the current tree plantation is protected. My clients are concerned about the water pollution of the stream running through their property and under the A1. There are no details about water protection included.