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Representation by Rock Farms Ltd (Rock Farms Ltd)

Date submitted
30 October 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This representation is made on behalf of Rock Settled Estate, C J Bosanquet Children’s Trust and Rock Farms Ltd and referred to collectively as Rock Estates. The address for all is Estate Office, [] Whilst we have engaged with Highways England over the course of the last year, the plans submitted with the DCO application have not previously been shared with the Estate and therefore we need to consider and review these further in order to assess the full impact of the DCO. We are aware at this stage that there are some interests which do not appear to have been acknowledged. On the basis that we have not yet been able to ascertain the full impact of the proposals on the land/interests of Rock Estates , we object to the DCO application insofar as it affects the land/interests of Rock Estates. There are a number of specific concerns which we have shared with Highways England prior to the submission of the DCO application which remain relevant as follows:- 1) There is an electricity cable which connects to a wind farm and is currently located within the highways verge. Our position is that the electricity cable should continue to be located in the highways verge (albeit in the new location of the verge) and it is not necessary for further land to be acquired for the re-location of the electricity cable. We require further clarity from Highways England in relation to their proposals in respect of this. 2) We have previously raised concerns with Highways England regarding the impact which the DCO proposals will have on the drainage of the arable fields through which the works will be completed. We require a full survey to be done of existing drainage and then install a new system. The land either side of the A1 here is prone to waterlogging and the drainage is extremely sensitive. We are concerned that suitable mitigation will not be provided. 3) WE are concerned that the current access under the A1 near Rock South junction will be lost. We have had initial discussions with HE over this culvert and we require further clarification over the access rights that are required to be maintained at this point under the A1. 4) We are concerned with the land take to the West of the A1 and it is unclear as to how much land is going to be acquired. We are not certain if all the land is necessary but are also concerned about future access to this land, which is current from the A1 which is due to be shut off. We require further clarification and discussion over the land take and whether this is all necessary and what rights will be acquired. The estate require rights of access to any land retained and it is unclear as to where this will occur. 5) The estate is concerned about the impact on the estate to the new access road to Rock South. We are concerned with the lack of information as to whether this will be a public adopted road as the estate cannot be held liable for maintenance in the future due to other users of this road. We also require this road to be wide enough for traffic to pass without causing damage to the verges. 6) We note that the current access to Rock South will be shut off. We require the road to be returned to the ownership of the Estate to prevent this being used for flytipping and illegal uses. 7) The estate need to maintain a farm road to Rock South so as to avoid making unnecessary damage to the new road. It is unclear if this is included in the proposed works. 8) The estate object to the current access from the new road to Rock South joining the current highway at Rock Midstead. We require this to be a roundabout access. This is a dangerous junction and there are many car accidents here. With the amount of traffic, the current arrangements we believe are not sufficient and wish to object to the current proposals. 9) We require further clarity from Highways England on the proposals regarding the fencing, landscaping and ongoing maintenance (including the management of ragwort/other weeds) of the land acquired by Highways England that will be in close proximity to Rock Estates' land. 10) We are concerned to ensure that the extent of land take from the agricultural fields is limited to the minimum that is required. We require further engagement by Highways England regarding the proposed field boundary re-alignments and clarification and confirmation that all necessary steps will be taken to ensure that the land retained by Rock Estates is of a size/shape which allows for continued beneficial use and accessibility with modern commercial machinery. 11) The extent and location of proposed woodland planting needs to be fully considered in the context of Rock Estates' sporting rights. Notwithstanding the guidance on the scope of representations, we reserve Rock Estates' position in respect of any further points that may need to be identified following further consultation of the documentation/plans now available. It is not readily apparent what the various impacts of the proposed DCO will be as it would appear to contradict some of the assurances that Highways England have given throughout our discussions.