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Representation by RWE Renewables UK (formerly Innogy Renewables UK Limited) (RWE Renewables UK (formerly Innogy Renewables UK Limited) )

Date submitted
30 October 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

A1 in Northumberland - Morpeth to Ellingham Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010059 RWE wish to register as an Interested Party to take part in the Examination of the above application for development consent and submit the following Relevant Representation; RWE owns a majority stake in, and is responsible for the day to day operation of Middlemoor Wind Farm to the west of the A1 at North Charlton. It is understood that Highways England’s proposed works to the A1 particularly the Alnwick to Ellingham (Part B) section will impact on both the access and grid connection to the wind farm. It is critical to RWE that access as well as connections to power, communications and water supply is maintained to the wind farm at all times. NORMAL OPERATIONAL ACCESS RWE understand from previous consultation with WSP on behalf of Highways England that the current route for day to day operational access to the wind farm at North Charlton is within the scheme extents. However it will not be affected by any works and this junction layout will not change. TR010059-000424-Consultation Report page 117 states that the Applicant agrees in principle that access will also be maintained during construction although traffic management measures could mean some delays. ABNORMAL INDIVISIBLE LOADS (AIL) ACCESS TR010059-000424-Consultation Report, Table 31: Summary of statutory consultation responses which have not changed the design - A1 in Northumberland: Morpeth to Ellingham, states that ‘a second access route to Middlemoor Wind Farm is not required’ and that no design change was made. This appears to contradict previous discussion with WSP who advised that the existing second AIL access route would be affected by the A1 widening works but would still remain in use with the addition of a central reserve crossing point. TR010059-000437-Consultation Report Appendix 13 in Table N.10: Statutory Consultation under section 42(1)(a) of the Planning Act 2008 with Prescribed Consultees states that ‘The Applicant confirms the consultees queries are for the detailed design and construction stages of the Scheme and will be addressed at that point’. It is not clear to RWE that our concerns regarding AIL access have been addressed and we reserve an objection in the meantime on this basis. RWE welcomes the statement in the TR010059-000747-Construction Traffic Management Plan that the main contractor will liaise with RWE in advance of the construction works. RWE would welcome more detail on the wind farm AIL route design and mechanism for agreeing a workable solution in the absence of any firm commitment in the CTMP at this stage. UTILITIES WSP previously advised that diversions for the extra high voltage 66kV cable serving the wind farm would be put in place whilst the existing cable remains in place, with only 1-2 days of downtime for connection. WSP also advised that the same applies for other utilities serving the wind farm (e.g. BT and Northumbrian Water). To reduce the impact on the operation of Middlemoor Wind Farm, RWE maintain a strong preference for outages to occur during the summer months. RWE would also welcome further discussion regarding compensation for any outage related losses. The diversion of the NPG circuit is referred to in paragraph 2.5.279. of TR010059-000439 Environmental Statement Chapter 2 - The Scheme. Paragraph 2.5.281 refers to Section 2.11 for further details but Section 2.11 Off-Site Works does not appear to reference utilities. RWE are unable to find any reference to the location of or impact upon communication links or water supplies. It is not clear to RWE that all our concerns regarding utilities have been addressed and we reserve an objection in the meantime on this basis.