Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Messing and Inworth Parish Council (Messing and Inworth Parish Council )

Date submitted
14 October 2022
Submitted by
Parish councils

Dear Sirs, A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme – TR10060 We write in respect of the above referenced application for Development Consent Order, submitted by National Highways to you on 15 August 2022. Please accept this response as the Parish Council’s relevant representation in respect of this application. The Parish Council has a number of concerns in respect of the proposed application, predominantly focussed on the proposed works in and around junction 24 of the A12, their impacts and the veracity of the relevant assessments. The Parish Council has had sight of the relevant representation submitted on behalf of the Messing and Inworth Action Group (MIAG). The Parish Council is particularly supportive of what is termed the Main Alternative; an alternative to the route proposed by National Highways in the application near Inworth. In addition, the Parish Council has concern regarding the lack of proposed changes to the road network towards Messing. However, rather than repeat the issues specified in MIAG’s representation, the Parish Council would like it noted that it supports the issues raised by – and shares the concerns of – the MIAG. The MIAG has requested to be treated as an Interested Party in respect of the application and the Parish Council considers that the MIAG will raise the majority of issues which are of concern to the local residents of Messing and Inworth. Nevertheless, the Parish Council requests to be registered as an Interested Party as well so that it can participate during the Examination process and submit further written representations if required. Yours faithfully A Harding, on behalf of the Messing and Inworth Parish Council