Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Messing and Inworth Action Ground Limited (Messing and Inworth Action Ground Limited)

Date submitted
14 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, Application by National Highways Limited for an Order granting Development Consent for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme – TR010060 s.56 Planning Act – Relevant Representation of Messing and Inworth Action Group Limited We write on behalf of Messing and Inworth Action Group Limited (MIAG). MIAG has been incorporated specifically to participate in this DCO application. MIAG represents a number of residents from the villages of Messing and Inworth who have concerns with the proposals put forward by National Highways; particularly the proposals (and effects of the works) at and around the newly proposed junction 24. The Parish Council of Messing and Inworth has provided a separate relevant representation and it endorses MIAG’s position. In short, MIAG has concern regarding: • The increased levels of traffic that will be experienced in Messing and Inworth; how this has been assessed, the anticipated impacts of this increased traffic on residents and users of the highways and the mitigation proposed in response to those impacts. • National Highways’s position on MIAG’s proposed bypass from new junction 24 to the South of Inworth village (known as the Main Alternative) and its assessment to discount this proposal. National Highways’s position regarding the Main Alternative is set out in APP-095. MIAG has concerns with the justification and rationale provided in this report and would like an opportunity to raise these during the Examination. • The nature and extent of the proposed works in and around Inworth village, including the lack of proposed works in and around Messing. MIAG also has concern with a number of other pinch points where it considers works should be undertaken to avoid/reduce/mitigate safety and traffic issues. • The assessment of noise, vibration and air quality (including the accessibility of the datasets used for those assessments) and the anticipated effects and level of mitigation proposed. • Road safety concerns particularly in the context of existing collision and fatality numbers. • The impacts and assessment of these from the proposed closure of the existing junctions 23 and 24 on the new junction 24. • Flooding on the local roads in the vicinity of new junction 24. • The impacts and effects of the proposals on All Saints Church, Inworth. • The extent of the powers sought in the draft DCO; their precision, necessity and scope. • The extent of the proposed compulsory acquisition in Inworth. • The lack of engagement from National Highways. MIAG respectfully requests that the Examining Authority grants MIAG Interested Party status so that it can participate in the Examination process. MIAG reserves its position in respect of raising further matters as the Examination progresses. Your faithfully Ashfords LLP