Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by paul Ian bilboe

Date submitted
15 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The closure of Junction 20A on the A12 Hatfield Peveril Essex. The increased traffic and associated problems this will caused to the already congested road through the village of Boreham has been ill thought out. Consideration should be given to realigning and enlarging Junction 20A to meet safety and increased traffic numbers. I would add as local resident of 56 years was delighted when the A12 bypass of the village was constructed some 50years ago. The closure of Junction 20A would be a retrograde step and undo the benefits to the village of the bypass. There will be with this proposed closure many other problems cause, we already have traffic movement problems and lengthy hold ups at the various feeder road junctions within and outside the village boundary as well as pedestrian movement and access. I would add no consultation on the scheme was given or took place with residents or parish council of Boreham the Village affected by this proposal.