Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Tiptree Parish Council (Tiptree Parish Council)

Date submitted
17 October 2022
Submitted by
Parish councils

Tiptree Parish Council wishes to object to the A12 widening proposals in respect of the positioning of Junction 24 in Inwoth (Kelvedon) Road for the following reasons: 1. Tiptree is concerned that a new 4-way junction in Inworth (Kelvedon) Road will encourage South-bound (SB) traffic from Mersea and other settlements to the east to use Church Road, Tiptree to access the new junction 24 rather than Station Road – Maldon Road – Braxted Park Road to access the A12 at Rivenhall/Witham. Church Road is the main shopping and commercial centre of Tiptree, and the road is already too busy – making it difficult to cross and creating ground level pollution. The originally projected extra 500 to 1000vph at peak times would be disastrous. It has been a long-term aim of the Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan to avoid any increase to traffic in Church Road and it is important that the A12 SB traffic passing through Tiptree continues to use the route via Rivenhall. For this reason, Tiptree PC would like to see Junction 24 remain where it is at Prested Hall where the detour towards Colchester would ensure that it is not used by SB traffic. We would also like to see necessary improvements to the Braxted Park Road to ensure that it remains a viable route for SB traffic. 2. The justification for placing Junction 24 in Inworth (Kelvedon) Road has been undermined by revised traffic predictions. Appendix D of The A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme Assessment Report Addendum (2020) lists the justification s for the proposed position, including 1. shortened journey times from Tiptree, 2. all A12 traffic from Tiptree is expected to use it, 3. Relieving traffic on Braxted Park Road. This was commensurate with a projected increase in Inworth Road traffic of 1000vph at peak times. Following the understandable outcry, the predicted traffic levels have shown a steady decline. Most recently (March 2022) we were informed that only an extra 100vph were expected in Inworth Road and that all SB traffic from Tiptree was now expected to use Braxted Park Road. This was now the justification for leaving Junction 24 in the proposed location – however the original reason for placing it there has been completely undermined! Clearly, with the predicted traffic in Inworth Road now only a tenth of the original predictions it is impossible to have any confidence in the computer modelling by HE and with the justification for the location of Junction 24 having been completely undermined by more recent evidence there is a need for more detailed traffic studies that included predicted traffic movements through Tiptree and a re-assessment of the positioning of Junction 24. In addition, improvements to the Braxted Park Road route are essential – notably the doubling of Appleford Bridge and a roundabout at the junction with Maldon Road.