Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Rebecca Adams

Date submitted
18 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Closing entry and or exit from the A12 at Hatfield Pevrel will severely impact the traffic through boreham. During any issues on the A12 the village already becomes a cut through and the traffic grinds to a hault at all 3 ways in and out of the village. Just trying to get to [redacted] the main road was taking 3 times as long and makes the main road so dangerous with a huge increase in traffic. Trying to get to Hatfield peverel is also significantly impacted and can take over half and hour to drive to do a 5min journey. With the school and drs over subscribed we rely on being able to get to the neighbouring village for these amenities as well as just in and out for work. It’s a village - not designed to be an alternative route to an A road. This will negatively impact everyone in the village and would be potentially very problematic for any emergency services trying to get through. The impact has been seen by the road works shitting boreham access into the A12 these last couple of weeks. The village Facebook was full of people that had had issues with the increase in traffic and this was temporary.