Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Mr John Macrae

Date submitted
24 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I broadly support the proposals. I have concerns about noise and nuisance from reversing HGV construction vehicles in the planned "compound/laydown area" between [redacted]. This area is immediately adjacent to our home. Recent sampling for sand and gravel suggests that the above compound area may be used as a borrow pit. I would object to this because the natural gravel "hump" in this field shields Rivenhall End from the expanding Witham industrial area. If the ground level is to be reduced, a new screening embankment should be constructed near Burghy Brook to offset the loss of the natural screening. Will the large walnut tree near the old Fox Inn be saved for the village? It appears to be threatend by one of the proposed new roundabouts on the current A12. Will all new connecting roads have footways eg Braxted Road? Will the temporary A12 slip-in and slip-out to the Rivenhall End "compound/laydown area" be removed upon completion of the project? I also have concerns that exiting from our home (Whitelands) onto the A12 nothhbound A12 carriageway will be impeded by significant compound vehicle movements: our home is adjacent to this plot. Will the findings of the comprehensive archaeological excavations in Rivenhall End be made public? Villagers are very interested to know what was found.