Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Stephen Butcher (Stephen Butcher)

Date submitted
31 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme proposes the permanent acquisition of half of the rear garden to provide the project with replacement 'open space' and the temporary use as a haul road of the other half at the property known as Rowanbank, a detached residential property accessed from Maldon Road. There is going to be a reinforced earth retaining wall along the A12 mainline and a haul route which will be used to transport earthworks material through the rear garden of Rowanbank immediately adjacent to the rear of the property for the embankment widening between J21 and J22. It is understood that access will be required from March 2024 with the works taking approximately three years. It is also understood that utility diversion works may be required sooner although further details are awaited. Efforts to acquire by agreement No offer has been made for acquisition of the permanent garden land and for injurious affection to the retained property. Nor have any negotiations taken place for the use of the part of the garden that is required on a temporary basis. Screening from noise and light Confirmation of the specification and appearance of the noise barrier is requested to address concerns about noise, light pollution and visual screening. A conifer hedge currently provides a barrier to noise, light and the view of the A12. Information is requested about the programme for cutting down the hedge and the duration of time in which there will be no screening before a new noise barrier is installed. Further information is requested about the additional noise that will be caused by construction works and vehicle movements along the haul road. Will any noise insulation to the property be offered? Assurance is also sought that the property will not be affected by construction lights nor from light ingress from the completed project. Mr and Mrs Butcher would like to understand the forecast cumulative impact of construction on their property and whether remaining in place is tenable. If not they may wish for their interest in the property to be acquired in its entirety. A meeting took place on 26th October 2022 with representatives from the project, who expressed the view that remaining in the property would be challenging. Vehicle movements Land immediately adjacent to the rear of the property will be used as a haul road. Confirmation of the frequency and type of vehicle movements is requested, as well as assurance about measures that will be taken to minimise dust and vibration and to ensure safety. Working hours Assurance is requested that only reasonable day time working hours will be kept unless for exceptional reasons. If night-time working how will the effect on residents be mitigated? Privacy and security Will privacy screening be used? As the acquisition of a significant portion of the garden as ‘replacement land’ to provide open space will introduce a flow of people to the rear of the property, assurance is sought about what methods will be used to ensure privacy and security are maintained. Temporary buildings The owners have a number of outbuildings. These will have to be removed. For the duration of the project’s occupation of the owners' land there will be a requirement for items from these outbuildings to be stored that cannot be met on the very limited retained land. Assurance is sought that the principle of obtaining alternative storage is not disputed. Reinstatement Assurance is requested that existing garden areas that will be used temporarily will be reinstated to a suitable condition, including landscaping, reprovision of topsoil and planting, as well as replacement of outbuildings. Conclusion The freeholders object to the acquisition of around half of their garden land for the provision of replacement open space. The freeholders object to the use of compulsory purchase powers without meaningful attempts to acquire either permanent or temporary rights by agreement. The freeholders would like to know if remaining at the property is tenable given the proximity of the works and if not what arrangements will be made. The freeholders request reassurance about the measures that will be taken to protect the property from the impacts of construction noise, vibration, light and dust as well as noise and light from the completed scheme. The freeholders would like to know if remaining at the property is tenable given the proximity of the works and if not what arrangements will be made. The freeholders request reassurance about security and privacy following the conversion of part of their garden to a public thoroughfare.