Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Julia Atigla

Date submitted
31 October 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To whom it may concern, I am writing to confirm my and my family objections to the A12 widening project.  Since this has commenced, I have witnessed several accidents the latest being the road being shut ALL WEEKEND so the whole of the A12 racing along the village.  Today on one journey, a near miss at Plantation Road, followed by an actual hit on junction of Waltham Road!  I pull onto the road outside my house and reverse onto my drive to ponder what I have just seen while I sit I see a neighbour 3 doors down pull out and nearly get side swiped by a car doing at least 60 mph on a 40 mph road followed by a car overtaking another car just outside my house one doing about 50 mph and who knows what the overtaking vehicle was doing!!  For weeks I have been unable to SAFELY PULL OUT MY OWN DRIVE!!  We are unable to walk our dogs as they are to scared of the speeding cars so close to the pavement.  My son has special needs and I can not walk him along the pavement due to the excessive speed and volume off traffic.  My son is collected by a taxi to attend a special school and they comment every day that it is becoming to dangerous and they themselves are to scared to make the turn on the road!  That is the reality of the problems that this has created to the ones affected.   I would LOVE someone to sit outside my house and see the IMPACT that this is having on my family life!   Boreham use to be a small village that occasionally would have traffic when the A12 was blocked, a couple of hours of inconvenience but managable.  The last few months have been intolerable!  We are stuck no one wants to buy a house on main road with non-stop traffic!  To consider closing the A12 passes and continue to extend the A12 on current plans is not a viable option.   BOREHAM IS A VILLAGE AND SHOULD REMAIN A VILLAGE!   I would love calming efforts, but this never happens but even with this I do not agree with the expansion plans and Boreham is NOT A TRAFFIC RAT RUN WHICH YOU HAVE CREATED!  IF THIS GOES AHEAD WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN! Waltham Road is a known accident site - Police know, Council knows but until someone is killed nothing will be done.   I was actually hit by a person exiting Waltham Road whilst I drove along the Main Road a few months ago.  The reason why, the person had been waiting too long!! With the whole of the A12 on the Main Road how long do you think people wait and how many accidents have occurred?  The one I saw today and a person who I know who was recently hit during the school run!   The village is unable to keep up with all the proposed changes, Drs are impossible to put up with the expansion, we are struggling as it is and we do not need the current traffic level.  We have night traffic which consist of people doing A12 speeds on roads that are not designed for speed.  We then have huge volumes of traffic at standstill during the day heading London bound due to they want to turn down Waltham Road but can't as people going Colchester bound are doing about 50mph along the Main Road speeding in the village!  The majority of the A12 along Boreham is already 3 lanes and the current A12 exits/entrances are sufficient apart from the entrance A12 Hatfield Peverel which could do with a continuation of 3 lanes to Witham.  Also when exiting A12 Witham it should not have 2 way traffic lights on bridge its ridiculous, it serves one business which should be one way and force traffic going to Witham to travel the short distance to Hatfield Peverel to then come back on self to Witham.  That is the only thing that needs to change!   Please ensure that this is feedback to whoever is collating information about the A12 widening scheme and confirm that I have not spoken to one person who agrees with this stupid idea in the whole village.   Yours faithfully   Mrs J Atigla (and family) [Redacted]