Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by The Holland Family (The Holland Family)

Date submitted
2 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

RELEVANT REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF THE HOLLAND FAMILY Introduction: Stanfords act as agent for The Holland Family (“the Client”) of [Redacted] and are instructed to make this formal representation on their behalf to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme. [Redacted] (“the Property”) comprises a detached grade II listed house, some traditional outbuildings and paddocks extending, in all, to 3.50 acres (1.42 ha) or thereabouts. The extent of the Property is shown outlined in red on the attached plan. This plan is for identification purposes only. This representation is based on information available to us as at the date of this submission. The Client reserves their ability to submit further comments pending receipt of more information. Our client strongly objects to the proposed scheme. The proposed scheme will negatively impact the Client in a number of ways, as summarised under the subheadings below. 1) Loss of Land We have studied the latest general arrangement plans in relation to the Property (plans attached) and have summarised the land proposed to be taken by National Highways below. In summary, if the A12 Widening Scheme receives consent, based on the current land plans, this would result in the Clients losing approximately 0.30 acres (0.12 ha) on a permanent basis. The proposed area of permanent land take would have a significant impact on the Property. Land to be permanently acquired: • Land Plan Sheet 13, Plot Number 16a Purpose for which the land is required: o DCO Work No. 45(a) - The alteration of the A12 of 2882 metres in length, widening of the existing carriageways, new carriageways, including the demolition of Brick Kiln Farm, retaining earth structures and tie in works. o DCO Work No. 45(b) - The construction of four slip roads to and from Junction 24 roundabouts (Work No. 45(b)) and associated demolition works to the existing A12. o DCO Work No. T38 - A haul road of approximately 950 metres in length between the proposed Highfields Overbridge Replacement (Work No. 55(b)) and the proposed Ewell Overbridge Replacement (Work No. 76), including a temporary access and egress onto the A12 northbound carriageway at a point to the east of the proposed realigned Highfield Lane (Work No. 55(c)), Kelvedon. 2) Property Impacts The scheme as proposed will have a significant detrimental impact on the Property and therefore its value. The Client is aware they will be entitled to compensation, but they are not satisfied that the scheme, as currently designed, goes far enough to mitigate the impact on the Property. An example of this is that the proposed scheme will bring the road closer to the Property which will result in increased noise pollution. The scheme would also bring a visual eyesore much closer to the Property. The scheme design currently provides very little visual or acoustic screening. The Client would like early engagement with the scheme’s designers so as to address these concerns. Should the Client decide to sell the Property whilst the scheme is being constructed, this will clearly have a considerable impact on the sale price. 3) Noise Impacts The existing A12 already creates a certain level of noise pollution but the proposed A12 widening scheme will increase the level of traffic significantly and thereby increase the level of noise pollution. Furthermore, there will be increased noise levels during construction, and this will have a detrimental impact. The Client would like to know details as to how National Highways plan to mitigate the increased levels of noise pollution. The Property is located within 120 metres of the existing A12 and we have repeatedly asked for sound barrier fencing alongside the road adjacent to the south eastern boundary of the Property. The Client would like to continue to request sound barrier fencing as this will no doubt help mitigate some of the additional noise pollution created by the scheme. 4) Visual Impacts During the scheme’s construction phase, there is likely to be works taking place within approximately 40 metres of Ewell Hall. The land proposed to be occupied by National Highways will become an eyesore for 3-4 years throughout construction and thereafter (dependant on the quality of reinstatement and intended future use). The Client would like to know details as to how National Highways plan to mitigate the visual impacts, during and after construction. 5) Environmental Impacts The proposed scheme will have an adverse impact on wildlife and environmental habitats during and after construction. During construction there will be a significant level of disturbance with large construction machinery operating for long hours of the day, creating noise, visual and physical impacts. Existing habitats will be destroyed and will take many years to recover to their natural state if they recover at all. In turn, landowners will have to work harder to try and protect and recreate existing and new habitats. Such impacts will not only be seen on a local scale but will affect areas along the entire length of the project which will lead to a devasting impact on the environment. The Client keeps horses on some of their land and they are concerned the scheme will cause disturbance to the horses health and wellbeing. The Client would like to know how these impacts will be mitigated. Summary: The A12 widening scheme poses a significant risk to the Property, as well as local communities, businesses and the landscape. It is for this reason that our client objects to the proposal. This severity of the potential impacts arising from the scheme, as proposed, should not be overlooked and we ask that you take the above comments into account in your examination
