Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Andrew Watson

Date submitted
2 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have been notified by National Highways (NH) that our property will be "significantly affected" by the noise resulting from the increase in traffic using J24, as part of the A12/A120 widening scheme. The noise modelling analysis provided by NH shows that the property will experience disturbance both day and night; National Highways have informed us that these effects cannot be mitigated. In addition to the noise created by increased traffic volume, we will also be subjected to the associated increase in air pollution thus exacerbating the asthma suffered by one occupant. The property is a 16c Grade II listed, timber framed cottage and by its very nature is particularly susceptible to disturbances caused by traffic noise and vibration, due to its lack of modern insulation and glazing. The problem of noise and vibration will be particularly problematic as there will be an inevitable increase in the number of HGVs using the road, it being the preferred route for accessing J24. The NH modelled traffic volumes will make it unsafe for the occupants of this property and other road users to enter and exit the driveway as the interval between vehicles passing is predicted to be approx. 2.5 seconds once the NH scheme is in place. The Messing and Inworth Parish council has proposed an option called the 'Main Alternative' which would mitigate all of the detrimental effects on this property and its occupants, as a direct result of NH utilising the B1023 as a link road to J24. This property will be rendered uninhabitable by the proposed NH scheme.