Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Kirk Alexander Macdiarmid

Date submitted
3 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our property is not directly impacted by the proposed acquisition of land or rights needed to deliver the scheme but lies adjacent to land used for balance ponds and green/ecological mitigation. Our property is already impacted by the noise emanating from the A12 and whilst we do not object to the principle of the delivery of the A12 widening scheme our view is that more could be done to mitigate the noise impacts for properties along the A12 and in particular those in Kelvedon. We ask that the Examiner give consideration to our view that The Applicant is placing more weight and value (value in terms of overall % spend including the acquisition of land and rights) on the improvements to ecological and green environments through mitigation than they are in respect of delivering noise mitigation measures thereby failing to discharge their requirements under both the Human Rights Act and the aforementioned government noise policy. Whilst we have applied and received listed building consent specifically for the addition of secondary glazing to mitigate the impact from noise there is only so much that can be done to a listed building and remain acceptable from a heritage point of view. This renders options available to us to mitigate the noise through improvements difficult. We ask the Examiner give consideration to this once in a generation opportunity to improve the lives of many residential owner / occupiers along the A12 that would benefit from the construction of further bunding or noise deflection fencing and the introduction / continuation of low noise road surfacing to deliver the maximum reduction of noise in the area.
