Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Linda Teresa Reed

Date submitted
3 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I welcome the widening of the A12 to 3 lanes. I think this will make the road safer. However, I believe the closure of Junction 20a of the A12 will drive additional traffic through Boreham on Main Road and this will create more congestion on the side roads (Waltham Road, Plantation Road and Church Road). As a result it will be less safe for pedestrians in Boreham and more difficult for Boreham residents to travel through the village at times of peak traffic. It appears that the widening of the A12 to 3 lanes could accommodate keeping Junction 20a if the junction was moved closer to Hatfield Peverel. Although this would add some cost, it would deliver a better result by keeping more traffic off local roads and would avoid the anticipated increase in air pollution and noise in Boreham. With regard to additional noise anticipated as a result of widening the A12, I request that a noise reducing surface be used on carriageways in both directions where the A12 runs alongside Boreham housing, rather than one direction only as currently proposed.