Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

Date submitted
3 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Anglian Water (AW) and National Highways (NH) have been in discussion on the project since October 2019. NH commenced discussions on the diversion of AW Water assets in January 2022. AW have provided the property and assets information that NH has requested over the past year. NH are currently drafting a Statement of Common Ground which AW provided initial comments to NH on 26 October 2022. AW is the statutory waste water recycling provider for the area with which the project is located and the statutory water services provider for the project area between Kelvedon and Colchester and the area around Hatfield Peverell. The NH project requires a significant number of AW pipes to be diverted, other assets to be protected and for the project to be managed to enable 24/7 access to AW assets in the event of an emergency. AW and NH have progressed a draft of Protective Provisions which are in a final form apart from any amendments required to address unresolved points including: 1. The protection of access to the Witham Water Recycling Works (WRC) 2. The investigation of AW assets on the eastern side of the Witham WRC by NH under licence from AW and whether the result of those investigations would require changes to the redline of the project or other arrangements to enable the project to be constructed, operated and maintained and AW assets to be protected or diverted. Those investigations include trial boreholes by NH. 3. The protection of the operations of the Witham WRC during construction and operation of the project including impact of the loss of trees on the A12, its impact upon the screening of the WRC site and the impact from the project on odour and its management at the WRC. 4. Replacement land of AW lost to the project and its links with land including connectivity for nature conservation purposes to land owned by Witham Town Council. 5. Access to AW land and assets on the east side of the A12 at Witham 6. NH’s on-going surface water management investigations and designs requiring AW to be a consultee through inclusion in DCO Requirements on post consent decisions by the local planning authority on surface water management plans and designs. This is in part to ensure that those designs do not prejudice the operation of AW assets including currently unknown connections to the public sewer network and consequent impacts on the capacity of the network to serve existing customers and future development.