Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by Ian Mahoney

Date submitted
4 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I whish to Register about the Temporary footbridge and Temporary footpath through my property. [Redacted]. The Temporary footbridge over A12 is a huge expense on the government finances as this has to be dismantled after Station Road Bridge is reopened. The massive disturbance to myself, my property , garden and hobby is a huge interference with my lifestyle and enjoyment of my garden. I have been asked to supply 4 metres x approx 70 metres for a footpath which is a roadway width as footpaths are 1.5 to 1.8 metres wide. No consideration to myself has been taken by Highways England about me, or my lifestyle, mental health and compensation of how I am being affected. Also the devaluation of my property whilst work is taking place. Also the Temporary bridge is provided for people to travel to Train Station as a direct route but no consideration has been given to those on the Countryside property estate of Bury lane how they access the High street. In discussions with Highways team it's too far to walk for people to use the Bury lane Bridgefrom High street. But when Bury lane Bridge is removed its OK for the people to walk back around a further distance to high street to shops and library. Hence double standards are being applied to the situation. So to save public / government money I suggest the scrapping of the Temporary footbridge at Station Road and footpath and allow people to have full walking access to Station via Bury lane as people on Bury lane have to walk the same distance around back to High Street when Bridge replacement is taking place there. These suggestions have been ignored in discussions with Highways team but seem to be a no expense spared on a temporary 55 metre ootbridge Bridge which will be removed and scrapped after works completed. Also no explanation of pipelines at top of bank have been explained next to my property or how this work is to achieved or access given? So I whish to register my comments on expenditure savings etc.