Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme


Date submitted
4 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note that we request views from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and the response provided is sent on behalf of both UKHSA and OHID. We can confirm that: The inclusion of a specific mental health and wellbeing impact assessment within the Environmental Statement is welcome. The assessment highlights the local increased suicide rate within para 13.15.8, where the rates of suicide among men in Chelmsford, Braintree and Colchester are all above average for England, while the suicide rate for men in Maldon is 61% higher than the rate for England, and the highest rate among all districts in Essex. The assessment does not, however, consider the potential for increased risk of suicide or attempted suicide posed by the new highway design, including temporary or permanent bridge structures. Further assessment is required in relation to risks from suicide and the existing or additional mitigation to be delivered by the scheme. National Highways have previously created Suicide Prevent Strategy Reports, which should also be generated and included within the Environmental Statement for this scheme. The suicide prevention strategy report and supporting assessments, alongside any proposed additional mitigation measures should be agreed with OHID and the local Director of Public Health. We can confirm that we have registered an interest on the Planning Inspectorate Website. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.