Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by BP Oil UK Limited (BP Oil UK Limited)

Date submitted
4 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

BP Oil UK Limited – Boreham Services and Rivenhall South Services I confirm that we are instructed by BP Oil UK Limited which owns the freehold interests in both the Boreham Interchange Service Area, Colchester Road, Springfield, Chelmsford CM2 5PY and Rivenhall South Services, A12 London Road, Rivenhall, Witham CM8 3HB which are affected by the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme proposals. In relation to Boreham Services my clients interest comprises the freehold interest in the service station, which it owns and operates, together with the freehold interest in the wider service area including the reversionary freehold interest in the McDonald’s restaurant and Premier Inn Hotel. My client also holds the freehold interest in Rivenhall South Services which it also owns and operates. My client’s property provides comprehensive services to road users along the busy A12 route. These are important strategic facilities providing the opportunity for the motorist to obtain rest, refreshment and fuel and use toilet facilities and in the case of Boreham Services providing additional HGV facilities, drive thru restaurant facilities and overnight hotel accommodation . Under the provisions of Circular 02/2013, Government policy recognises the importance of such facilities in providing for the welfare of the travelling motorist including all categories of traffic and enhancing road safety. These policy provisions have been reiterated in the consultation documentation in relation to the draft Circular 02/2013 document published in Summer 2022. In respect of Boreham Interchange, it is understood that some permanent land will be acquired from my client’s freehold interest in order to facilitate scheme works in the vicinity of Boreham Interchange under Land Plan plot references 2/3a, 2/4a, 2/11c and 2/11d. Whilst the majority land is located at the periphery of my clients facility and does not form part of the operational area of the site, the prospect of developing the facilities at this location further in the future will be adversely affected by the acquisition of this land. A section of the freehold land proposed to be acquired from my clients interest is located across the section of estate road that the forms the ingress and egress to the Service Area and provides access to the facilities for all road users. It is essential that access to my clients property and those held leasehold by its tenants is maintained throughout the construction of the scheme. In respect of Rivenhall South Services, the effect of the Scheme would be to take the petrol station ‘offline’ and away from the main flow of A12 traffic, and consequently the site would cease to operate effectively as a trunk road service station. The proposals would threaten the viability of this facility. It is also understood that there will be some temporary acquisition of rights in a section of freehold land held by my client under Land Plan plot reference 11/12a and this temporary use could adversely affect the operation of the property. As part of the consultation processes in relation to the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme I submitted representations dated 16th August 2021 on behalf of my client stating the likely impact of the scheme proposals to my clients properties and requesting further dialogue with National Highways in relation to the scheme. I confirm that discussions have been held with National Highways and further discussions will be required to ensure that my clients rights and interests in the properties affected are fully considered. My client reserves the right to make further representations in relation to the scheme.