Back to list A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Representation by The Ramblers - Essex Area (The Ramblers - Essex Area)

Date submitted
4 November 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. This response is made by the Ramblers Essex Area duly appointed (volunteer) Braintree District Joint Footpath Secretary regarding the section of the A12 between Hatfield Peverel and Domsey Chase which is in the District of Braintree. 2) The legends and labels on drawings (e.g. the General Arrangement plans) must be unambiguous and inclusive. The descriptor “new or improved footpath / bridleway” and “proposed / improved cycle track” must be clarified so that it is clear who can use these routes. IF a route is ONLY for pedestrian, or ONLY for cyclists or only for pedestrians AND cyclists then this should be made clear. 3) As per the Ramblers response to the August 2021 statutory consultation, improvements in the cycling & footway facilities along the old A12 - now the B1137 (Boreham) Main Road – would be of benefit as a safer sustainable transport link. Traffic is forecast to increase on the B1137 Boreham Main Road / Hatfield Peverel The Street. 4) There is concern about the pedestrian connectivity in the area of the new Junction 21 Hatfield Peverel north / Witham south. The DCO proposals continue to include the demolition of the southern on-slip road Woodend bridge at the west end of Witham. As noted in the Ramblers response to the August 2021 statutory consultation, four routes south and east from Witham were severed by the A12 bypass. This historic severance has not been addressed and is made worse by the proposed demolition of the Woodend Bridge with no WCH user replacement. 5) There is a continued lack of PROW connectivity across the A12 in the section between the new Junction 22 Witham north / Little Braxted Bridge & the new Snivellers Lane Bridge by the Fire & Rescue Centre. 6) Currently the two-way cycle/foot-ways along the existing A12 sections that are to be de-trunked, are of minimal width. De-trunking provides an opportunity to provide wider more segregated non-motorised / WCH user routes with planting to encourage active travel and to provide leisure routes. The bus stops must be re-instated. 7) The B1023 / Inworth Road will be a feeder road to the new Junction 24. As traffic is forecast to increase on this narrow feeder road, safe cycling and pedestrian routes shoud be provided to encourage active travel. Hinds Bridge to the north of J24 has no cycling / pedestrian space and traffic will increase with the development of up to 1000 homes & business use on the Feering strategic growth location, designated in the adopted BDC Local Plan but not included in the National Highways traffic forecasts.