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Advice to Nathan Wacey

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Nathan Wacey
Date advice given
2 June 2023
Enquiry type

A request for advice was made by telephone. 1. As part of the Examination for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme a document has been published on the Planning Inspectorate’s website regarding an objection to the sale of a property. However, there is no objection. Please explain how the document 9.8 Status of Negotiations Compulsory Acquisition Schedule has been published giving false information. 2. Can the Inspectorate provide the name of specific authors of documents submitted on behalf of applicants? 3. Who is the Secretary of State’s representative for this process, and how is information provided to them. 4. If information is provided to the Inspectorate is this passed to the applicant and how does that happen? 5. How can I have my say in an examination?

Advice given

  1. During examinations applicants may be required to submit documents. For example, documents regarding updates on the status of compulsory acquisition negotiations. The document referred to in the query allows the Examining Authority (ExA) to see the progress of negotiations being made by the Applicant on specific property and land. Information submitted by applicants or other persons is published on our website. It is not removed from the website as the published documents are an evidence trail of information provided to the examination. Applicants and other parties can provide new information, updated documents or comments on published documents at deadlines; these deadlines are set out in the timetable for each examination. If a person does not agree with the contents of a document they may submit comments at the next available deadline. The next available deadline for the A12 is 12 June 2023. People with property which would be impacted if the project were to go ahead can attend Compulsory Acquisition Hearings. One is being held virtually on 27 June 2023, participants will need to register by emailing: 2. The Inspectorate does not hold information regarding the authors of documents submitted on behalf of applicants. 3. The Planning Inspectorate is the Secretary of State’s representative for the examination of applications under the Planning Act 2008. All enquiries regarding a specific application must be submitted to the relevant case team to be included in the examination. The team provides the information to the ExA. When information, which is material to the examination, is provided to the ExA they will make a decision as to whether to accept the information into the examination. The Case Team will confirm when this has happened and provide a link to the document published on our website. 4. All information which is accepted into an examination must be publicly available. The documents are published on the website, for everyone, including the applicant, to access. 5. People whose land would be impacted by a project, if a Development Consent Order was granted, and those who registered can submit information at examination deadlines and request to attend hearings. The dates are published on the National Infrastructure webpage for each application. This is a link to the list of applications - and a link to the webpage for the A12 scheme