
All project updates

20 June 2024

All the Deadline 1 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 313KB) will be updated soon.

14 June 2024

The examination timetable (‘Rule 8 letter’) has been sent to all parties.

View the Rule 8 letter (PDF, 932KB)

This includes information on the examination process and procedural decisions following the preliminary meeting.

10 June 2024

The following documents have now been published:

The Examination Library (PDF, 313KB) has been updated.

5 June 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) or at the venue.

You can also observe the Issue Specific Hearing 2 online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

4 June 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) or at the venue.

You can also observe the Issue Specific Hearing 1 online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage

4 June 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual Open Floor Hearing or in person at the venue. The Open Floor Hearing will begin at 14:00.

You can also observe the Open Floor Hearing online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage

4 June 2024

We have sent instructions for registered participants to join the virtual preliminary meeting or at the venue.

You can also observe the preliminary meeting online. If the livestream does not work, try refreshing your webpage.

29 May 2024

All the submissions for Procedural Deadline A have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 298KB) will be updated soon.

28 May 2024

The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (PDF, 208 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (PDF, 218KB) have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 296KB) will be updated shortly.

13 May 2024

7 May 2024

The notification of preliminary meeting (‘Rule 6 letter’) has been sent. The letter also includes the draft examination timetable and initial assessment of principal issues.

View the Rule 6 letter (PDF, 371KB)

24 April 2024

The extended period for registering to have your say has now closed. Comments (relevant representations) from those who have registered to have their say are now published.

View the Comments

The Examining Authorities Rule 9 letter dated 23 April 2024 (PDF, 134KB) notifying of a Procedural Decision has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 290KB) has been updated.

23 April 2024

The Examining Authorities Rule 9 letter dated 23 April 2024 (PDF, 134KB) notifying of a Procedural Decision has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 290KB) has been updated.

9 April 2024

The Applicant's response (PDF, 269KB) to the Rule 9 letter dated 27 March 2024 (PDF, 198KB) has been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 266KB) has been updated.

The Applicant has informed us that a number of notifications they sent about the opportunity to make Relevant Representations had not been received for various reasons. The Applicant has re-sent a further notification to those parties to allow them to make their representations. If you have received such a further notification and wish to make a representation, please contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000.

27 March 2024

The Examining Authorities Rule 9 Letter dated 27 March 2024 (PDF, 198KB) notifying of Procedural Decisions has been published

The Applicant has informed us that a number of notifications they sent about the opportunity to make Relevant Representations had not been received for various reasons. The Applicant has re-sent a further notification to those parties to allow them to make their representations. If you have received such a further notification and wish to make a representation, please contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000.

26 March 2024

We have published the Applicant's responses to the ExA's Procedural Decision (PDF, 145KB) dated 12 February 2024

The Examination Library (PDF, 271KB) has been updated.

The Applicant has informed us that a number of notifications they sent about the opportunity to make Relevant Representations had not been received for various reasons. The Applicant has re-sent a further notification to those parties to allow them to make their representations. If you have received such a further notification and wish to make a representation, please contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000.

25 March 2024

M5 Junction 10 Highways Improvement Scheme - the Applicant has informed us that a number of notifications they sent about the opportunity to make Relevant Representations had not been received for various reasons. The Applicant has re-sent a further notification to those parties to allow them to make their representations. If you have received such a further notification and wish to make a representation, please contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000.

12 February 2024

You can now Register as an Interested Party.

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

The Examining Authorities Rule 9 Letter (PDF, 148KB) notifying of Procedural Decisions has been published.

16 January 2024

The application has been accepted for examination.

View the acceptance letter (PDF, 142 KB)

20 December 2023

This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 19 December 2023.

The application documents will be made available on the project page of this website if the application is accepted for examination.

It is for the Applicant to decide whether or not application documents can be published upon submission (see government’s Planning Act 2008: guidance on the Pre-application process).

19 December 2023

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate

21 November 2023

The application has been withdrawn. Please see the Applicant's letter (PDF,198KB).