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Representation by Neil Hadley

Date submitted
19 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Landowners: Mr Neil & Mrs Teresa Hadley Representations prepared by: Neil Hadley dated 19/03/2024 Qualifications: Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Diploma in Urban Planning (Oxford Brookes) & Diploma in Surveying (College of Estate Management). REPRESENTATIONS relating to Field Title No. GR364928 1) Ardent, the agents who are acting for me have not had their first invoice paid despite repeated attempts to make contact with Carter Jonas (CJ) by leaving telephone messages and emails since September 2023. This issue is causing considerable concern both to Ardent and myself as to the integrity of Gloucestershire County Council Highways (GCC) and their agents. 2) I am the only landowner whose land is being acquired to significantly improve access to the Strategic Allocation and have not been involved in collective discussion with the other landowners. The result is that as a retired couple, lack of consultation has caused considerable stress and mental health issues to both my wife and I. 3) For months there has been a total lack of engagement and no attempt to acquire by agreement. Again this raises questions about the professionalism of GCC officers. 4) CJ wanted to have discussions with me at the same level as the other main developers within the Strategic Allocation, namely Cheltenham Borough Council and St. Modwen regarding an access suitable for development into and out of my field. GCC refused to enter into this type of conversation. 5) My land is identified in the Local Plan with a schematic drawing showing a large lake and bird hide to form the basis of a Nature Reserve that was originally going to be linked to the West Cheltenham Strategic Allocation. This could only be formally put in place with an equalisation agreement. In order for this to be delivered it will need to be part of a section 106 obligation. My understanding is that this is not currently the case and therefore is unlikely to be delivered. 6) I have not seen any engineering details regarding satisfactory access / egress details from the B4634 such as levels & landscaping. As things stand this application will sterilise my entire field. 7) No provision has been made for a middle lane on B4634 to allow for right hand turn into and out of the site. Bearing in mind the huge size of modern agricultural vehicles, the present agricultural access will be a danger when turning right into and out of the site. 8) For some reason GCC were not prepared to discuss a roundabout instead of the B4634 signalled junction. The signalled junction will inevitably lead to tail backs at busy times. I also suggested a roundabout at the junction of Hayden Lane and B4634 to help with visibility and traffic movement but this has not been taken forward. 9) Despite my requests GCC were not prepared to agree payment of other consultants I have required to address my site complexities, e.g. Highway & Planning consultants. 10) It appears to me unusual, that excessive amounts of land edged red on the DCO plan are required for the ditch and grass embankment bordering my field. GCC has not demonstrated that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the acquisition of my land. 11) Why has this access to the West Cheltenham Strategic Allocation been included by GCC rather than in the developers planning application? 12) As my land is not required for a standard signal junction, why is it necessary to be included in the CPO? 13) Drawing TRO10063/APP/210 shows two new culverts under the B4634 but does not refer to any field watercourse cleaning to take the extra volume of water. The drawing also shows the public right of way going across the B4634. Should my site become a nature reserve or anything else I will also need cycleway and pedestrian access which should be linked to the public pedestrian / cycleway route. 14) The drawing shows a proper funnelled radius entrance into the balancing pond north of my site, and as a larger lake may be constructed on my site I should also be entitled to a matching radius entrance off the B4634. 15) The existing ditch between the edge of B4634 and my field, along its northern boundary needs to be replaced so that the water from the ridge and furrow in my field can drain away as it presently does. The new ditch needs to be clearly shown on the appropriate works drawing. End