Back to list M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme

Representation by Cheltenham Borough Council (Cheltenham Borough Council)

Date submitted
21 March 2024
Submitted by
Local authorities

We support the J10 works in principle. They are a fundamental part of our economic growth strategy. It unlocks the land at Golden Valley and the full potential of the West Cheltenham allocation (and other strategic sites), of which CBC are a major player. We accept that contributions from strategic sites such as the West Cheltenham allocation should be sought, but these need to be CIL compliant (i.e. necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; directly related to the development; and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development). This means, amongst other things, that contributions should be sought from a wide range of sites such that no one site is overly burdened. The scale of any contributions sought from sites should also take into account scheme viability. The West Cheltenham allocation is an employment-led scheme with CBC/HBD's Southern Parcel delivering the lion's share of this. As demonstrated by the viability work underpinning Cheltenham's adopted CIL Charging Schedule, employment development cannot support additional contributions. Residential development potentially can.