Back to list M60/M62/M66 Simister Island

Representation by Residents of No. [REDACTED] (Residents of No. [REDACTED])

Date submitted
31 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

During Construction and also once the work is complete Noise: - It will affect our sleep, the noise, lights and thudding noises are bad enough already when they're repairing the motorway. Once complete we still have to live with the extra volume and don't want to sleep with all the windows closed during heatwaves! It's never truly dark at night when it should be and the lights will be getting nearer.. Traffic noise will also impact on the daytime use of our home and garden which we use daily. DIRT: - We've been through this before and construction work like this throws up dirt/dust and it settles on and INSIDE our property which requires constant cleaning. Laundry dried outside is greyer. We'll be breathing it in. POTHOLES: In Parrenthorn road the potholes are already deep, will our road surface be further destroyed by the heavy plant vehicles accessing the Motorway Hawkeswater Underpass? Vibration: We have concerns about the construction vibrations, as the M60 gets ever closer and the effects it will be having on the foundations of our property. Drainage: The field behind our property often floods. We're concerned that, with all the extra road surfaces being laid, all the excess rainwater will need somewhere to go. Will there be adequate provision for drainage, so the water doesn't affect our water table? It looks very different seen in summer to the swamp it becomes in winter. Pollution: Increasing traffic is going to cause more air pollution and it's getting closer to us. We are at home 24/7 so are breathing it in all the time. The value of our home will obviously be detrimentally affected. This is the SECOND time since we bought the house that the Motorway has got closer to our home.