Back to list M60/M62/M66 Simister Island

Representation by Paul Bancroft

Date submitted
2 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live quite close to the m60 motorway and have young children like most of the residents near me and are worried about the pollution and noise increase,the pollution is bad enough from all the exhaust gases so this will only increase with more traffic using the five lanes and the noise is terrible on certain days especially now with it being summer and using the garden more. Also there's 2 schools close by who also will see an increase in pollution intake by pupils which will result in problems like asthma. Another question if these plans for extending the motorway go ahead what will be done in noise cancelling side of things and will we be compensated for all the sleep less nights with the work being carried out at windows on my house are constantly thick with dirt and need cleaning constantly with all the pollution coming from the motorway...there's loads of factors need addressing