Back to list M60/M62/M66 Simister Island


Date submitted
5 July 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Main Issues & Impacts I have had difficulty getting in touch - tried to call the number stated on the letter to discuss, however the person I spoke to had no knowledge on the scheme and couldn’t help me in the slightest. This is incredibly frustrating, especially since the initial letter indicates for us to call the number if we have any questions. Letter has also gone to elderly neighbours who do not have access to a computer so it is difficult for people to get in touch I expressed concerns regarding the value of our property during & after the works & compensation for this & was advised that the property would have to be on the market prior. I was also advised that the scheme would have to be complete for a year for us to make a claim - both points are unfair as it leaves us in an impossible position having only bought the house in December 2021 & unable to place the market on the house this soon, and could have a detrimental effect on the sale of the house in the near future (next 5 years) which was my original plan. I am deeply concerned about the value of the house during & after the works Changing in the land usage covers both front & side/back entrance to my property surrounding on 3 sides The scheme will mean the carriageway & footpaths giving direct access to both entrances will be compromised. “After” supplementary consultation land usage shows boundary extending to Marston close. We have an En Bloc garage situated on Bosworth close, the only route to which is via the road (Marston Close) included in the new boundary. We require constant access to garden on foot, and with bins, lawn mower etc – new boundary covers carriageway & footways. We require constant access to front of house – new boundary covers carriageway & footways. I work from home Mon-Fri & my partner is a night shift worker & sleeps during the day. Increased traffic, both cars and people, will cause serious disruption & increased noise pollution. Noise from the construction will cause a significant increase in noise pollution, this is not advantageous since we have a newborn child I have a rescue dog who is reactive to passers-by – again, increased traffic will aggravate and lead to barking causing noise & potential complaints from neighbours. We always have 2-3 cars at the property which are currently parked on the road. The carriage way is narrow which will lead to congestion getting to site & possible damage to vehicles. The road is in a very poor condition with pot holes etc - increased traffic will cause this to worsen I do not want to suffer "rush hour" traffic outside my home whilst staff start and finish work The property Is our family home, purchased in 2021, main benefit being it was at the end of a road and is very quiet. The scheme will have serious detrimental effects on our quality of life due to increased traffic, noise and the site being an eyesore. Our En Bloc garage is located on Bosworth close, with the only route via Marston Close – we need constant access to the garage, the scheme will mean possible works will take place & mean we may not be able to access both on food & in the vehicle. Ways to reduce impacts Provide alternative off-road parking for residents including dropping curb & surfacing double drive our cars come up with alternative route so Mode Hill Lane is not used for access New windows to help with noise- i don't believe the planned trees will be sufficient for major road works Compensation for loss of value on the house during the works, it is likely that we will be unable to sell the house during this period due to the disruptions in the area and physical factors noted in supplementary consultation letter. Compensation for the loss of value of the house after the work has been completed, it is likely that there will be increased noise from the new carriage way, it will also be unsightly & visible from the property. Compensation for the negative effect on the quality of life whilst the works are going on.