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Representation by Lisa Jones

Date submitted
3 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wholeheartedly support the reopening of Manston Airport as a freight hub with ancillary aviation related businesses and services and with the prospect of some passenger services at a future date. I have attended a number of community consultation events that RSP have hosted at which the company has set out their comprehensive plans for Manston. I have read as widely as possible on the current situation regarding the UK's runway and freight capacity and noted the projections for worldwide growth within the freight sector. In summary my key points are:-

  • I subscribe to the view that a reopened Manston can play a critical role in providing much needed airport, especially freight, capacity for Britain at large.
  • I believe the employment and growth opportunities for Thanet and East Kent, from Manston airport functioning as RSP envisage, to be unmatched by any other proposed useage of the land.
  • In a post-Brexit Britain, the extra capacity of a readily restored airport takes on added impetus to be available as soon as possible.
  • Manston Airport currently remains designated as airport land in the Local Plan. It is largely accepted across the region as an airport despite being closed some 4 years, and has wide public acceptance to be restored as a functioning airport, in itself a rare advantage for any major transport project affecting communities.
    I have confidence in the thoroughness of RSP's business preparations, their financial backing and, quite frankly, astonishing commitment to reopening Manston. Clearly the numbers stack up - it is after all first and foremost a business proposition for their investors - as they have held fast to their belief in the airport over these 4+ years amidst countless hurdles. I hope this will be the final hurdle - RSP offers a unique opportunity to allow Manston to be restored and considerably enhanced. I do not think Britain will secure another opportunity like this to augment its much needed airport infrastructure.