Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Dion Christopher Mytum

Date submitted
3 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston airport can be the jewel in Thanet's crown. Initially to be used as a Freight Hub bringing in much needed employment to the area. The road infrastructure is now in place giving continual dual carriageway and motorway connections to London and beyond. Keeping Manston as an airport will open further opportunities if it goes on to accept passenger travel. It can be an alternative to the other London airports. Rail connection is also good now with the Javelin fast train service into St Pancras International which could be accessed with a shuttle bus service from the airport. A lot of high end aviation and aviation engineering firms would benefit as well. Sadly a few have had to close or re-locate already but I'm sure more will take their place once Manston is operating as an airport again bringing much needed employment to Thanet. Air travel is increasing rapidly and Manston has the potential to take air travel forward in the 21st century and we can't risk losing an airport that, sooner or later, will have to be replaced with a new one to accommodate the increase in air travel. We've seen all the arguments on the national news about extra runways at Heathrow and Gatwick, yet we have Manston sitting here able to serve London and with a runway that is long enough to take any passenger aircraft currently flying. The last thing Thanet needs is yet more housing or industrial units. The local services are already over stretched and the burden on the QEQM Hospital would put the lives of the people of East Kent at risk as it is already struggling with the amount of people that already use it. Thanet has some beautiful beaches, wonderful museums, local attractions and a wealth of history. The tourist trade of Thanet can only benefit from an operating airport, with good advertising people could see Thanet as a destination rather than a transit point. Who would want to come to Thanet if is covered in more estates, with more unemployment and services that are stretched to breaking point. We need Manston to stay as an airport.