Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by John Lawrence

Date submitted
3 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I intend to make known the disatrous effect that housing would have on the infrastructure of the Isle of Thanet, and also some concerns should this DCO go ahead in it's present form.

I believe that a cargo hub for air frieght would not be possible without substantial road building to get the cargo where it needs to be. I do however support a mix of Aviation activities and the use of the runway as a main diversion, because should there be a problem there is no airfield capable of taking large aeroplanes that may need emergency services on landing.

1 I do not think Manston is the right site for a freight hub 2 I also do not think that Manston is right the amount of housing planned 3 The infrastucture is not there as the roads are inadequate to carry large freight 5 The infrastructure is not there to support housing, hospitals are at breaking point, schools would be difficult to get there. 6 Manston was used as a main diversion airfield and the country badly needs this as an aeroplane with a problem closes the major airports causing chaos everywhere. 7 A mixture of light aviaton and heritage attractions, using the 2 museums at Manston would work.