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Representation by Martin Rogers

Date submitted
3 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am an economist with a interests in finance, primarily, and transport. The retention of Manston airfield is an emotive local issue, but I believe it needs to be considered in the wider context of future airport growth regionally and nationally. The alternative plan for mixed housing development has been based on 2,500 - 4,000 units. That has to be seen in the context of the provision of economic, social and transport facilities to service such development.

There is a growing demand for air cargo and servicing that growth away from existing locations will take pressure off them whilst stimulating the Thanet economy. The decommissioning and recycling of airframes and aircraft parts is another opportunity for local development.

Whether and why Thanet Parkway rail station should go ahead needs to be seen in the context of the Thanet region. Along with the £87m road development, it was intended to service the port of Ramsgate, Discovery Park and Manston Airport. These three assets have undergone considerable adverse change in recent years. Without them, or their regeneration, it begs the question why proceed with Parkway.

The quality of the Manston site needs to be considered. Its location minimises the inconvenience to those resident under flight paths. Its size is also unique. It will cost far less and involve less disruption elsewhere to overhaul the existing runway and adjacent areas.

Much has been said about previous commercial failures of passenger service from Manston. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future success or failure. Arguably, previous ventures were under-funded and lacked marketing planning. Manston has hosted cargo carriers (CargoLux for example) and latterly had a regular shuttle on KLM to Schipol.

Whose monies are at risk; certainly not public, unless you factor in the future potential of 4,000 homes paying council tax.

I am registering this interest on a personal basis and not as a member of the interest group KNMA (Kent Needs Manston Airport) or similar interested party.