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Representation by Charlie (RS) SMALL

Date submitted
3 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

From a local aspect it must be obvious that the reopening of ManstonAirport will provide endless employment in an area that has suffered with the unemployment blight for a number of years and local government have seemed to find it impossible to rectify the problem. Surely the amount of housing, suggested to be built on the airport site, will only add to this unemployment blight. From a National point of view, with Brexit looming and an ‘unsettled’ international security situation regularly in the news, it appears to me that the UK would benefit greatly by having a ‘station’ such as Manston airfield in its strategic position should The need arise. The airfield, in its location, also offers options in Air Sea Rescue situation in the English Channel and lower parts of the North Sea.