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Representation by Patricia Moore

Date submitted
4 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not believe an airport running 24/7 commercial flights over Mostly Ramsgate is good for our area. It will cause noise and pollution over at least two schools and older properties in Ramsgate. Ramsgate is a seaside town with an upcoming Tourist Trade which the town depends on for employment and the keeping open of hotels and guest houses. Passenger flights would not be introduced for years . As representations were made to TDC by Riveroak employee about allowing housing on what is called the Northern Grass at the airfield site by the man who was leading the CPO originally and is still on the board. If this plan to run flights 24/7 does not happen if they are allocated the land , they,(RSP) will make money from house building. I do not think it will be good for the health of Ramsgate to have this amount of pollution or the air we breath or the noise and sleep deprivation that it will cause . We have to look to the future of our children and grandchildren's health . There are many old buildings in Thanet and Ramsgate in particular, of a conservation nature and are listed. The whole fabric of Ramsgate would be in danger of damage from so many flights according to plans I have seen which will cause damage to our older buildings as the flight path runs over the town centre of Ramsgate . The flights will not be so high as to do no damage to the town with noise and pollution as to be acceptable.