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Representation by Mr John Marsh

Date submitted
4 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Kent all of my 75 years. The last 53 of them in East Kent. In that time I have seen many changes. With large companies like Hornby and Pfizers moving their main establishments away. We therefore have no major employers in the area. I am so pleased to see that you have accepted River Oaks DCO for examination to re-open Manston Airport. I have been to their consultations and they have clearly spent a great deal of time in setting out their proposals. I look forward to seeing the airport functioning again as it will bring badly needed permanent jobs to the area. Thanet has the highest level of unemployment in the South East and local businesses would benefit by supplying goods and service to the airport. Higher educational benefits would also apply for our young people wishing to find permanent work. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to make a representation.