Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by John Norris

Date submitted
5 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Re-opening Manston as a major cargo and passenger hub will free up space in the other London airports that are already running at capacity. There is a growing need for airspace and airport facility in the South East, which Manston is ideally positioned to address. Access to London by road and rail is easy from Manston: indeed, it can compete healthily with the other Londond airports in this regard. As such it is ideally placed for the conveyance of passengers and freight to and from the capital. The operatation of Manston as a key airport in the South East will bring jobs and prosperity to Kent, encourage companies to relocate to that area, and re-establish its international status. Manston, with its renowned long and wide runway, which entitled it to the status of 'Master Diversion Aerodrome' is suitably located to accommodate large aircraft that require assistance in emergencies, whether technical or security-based. Currently, such diversions are often directed into Stansted, where operations are brought to a complete halt, at enormous inconvenience and cost to passengers and freight companies. Manston is far better suited to carry this intermittent responsibility. Manston was an excellent site for Search and Rescue facilities, covering a wide area around the south-east coast. An SAR unit at Manston would re-establish the confidence of shipping and leisure maritime activities in the area. The area of land surrounding Manston can accommodate car parking facilities that would be far more attractive to potential air travellers than the remote facilities in other London Airports where the only available space is often at a long distance from the terminals. Apron space on the airfield is generous and very convenient for the loading and unloading of freight. The re-opening of Manston would create educational opportunities and options for flying training in relatively uncongested airspace (compared to Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted). Demand for training in General Aviation is set to grow significantly in the future. There will be opportunities to set up valuable links with sea ports on the Kent coast. Manston is a historic aviation site of great importance to our heritage. It can host major air displays and other events that will bring more trade and interest to the area. The opertion of the airport will enable the other London airports to abandon plans for the environment-damaging consequences of runway expansion. Congestion at the other London airports is so severe that many passengers are forced to spend the night preceding departure in hotel accommodation. Manston could provide a hugely more attractive and beneficial alternative to this necessity.