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Representation by Anette Redvers-Mutton

Date submitted
5 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Having lived in Ramsgate fro 8.5 years, I remember how low and noisy planes were coming into Manston during the day. Our house used to shake. I am particularly concerned that the new plans seem to allow for unlimited night flights (more than Heathrow) and cannot see how this can be justified Historic Ramsgate is becoming popular once more as a holiday destination with many newcomers trying to improve and regenerate the town. People will turn away in droves if the area becomes blighted by an airport serving noisy, polluting cargo planes. A major concern is the impact on the health of people due to the increase in noise and pollution levels under the flight path. There are many local schools and children are particularly vulnerable to NO2 pollution and lack of sleep. I am all for creating jobs in the area, but I feel that developing Manston as an area of new housing would bring more investment to the area and employ more people than a cargo airport.