Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Barbara Roe

Date submitted
6 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Every attempt to revitalise the airport in the past few years have failed due to lack of infrastructure/position of the airport in relation to the rest of the country. The present aim of the government is to increase investment and business to those areas in the north that would benefit from such a development. There are already other airports in the south of England in the process of developing cargo facilities. Skilled labour required would most probably have to be recruited from outside the local area and would not benefit the locally unemployed. The noise and pollution associated with a cargo operation would be detrimental to the tourist trade in the area. Tourism is a major contributor to the local economy as there are very few other major employers here. The land in question could be better used for the benefit and quality of life for local residents. Not enough thought has been given to alternative uses which would not impact on the lives of those who live in Ramsgate in particular - a large solar energy park would be just one example.

I now understand that it is a Mr. Tony Freudmann, current spokesman for RSP, who has been involved with several former attempts to revitalise the airport, all of which have failed – despite wild claims that hundreds of jobs would be created and that such a development would bring massive economic prosperity to the area. I have also been given to understand that RSP can provide no evidence that they have any substantial financial backing for their venture and it is for this reason that the local council have been unwilling to support their plans.

I have also learnt that RSP proposes to allow at least 8 cargo flights during the night, in addition to regular flights during the day – including planes that are not allowed into any of the London airports due to their noise. Living directly under the flightpath I have had experience of planes just about skimming the roof top and shaking all the windows in the house and am extremely concerned about the number schools (senior, junior and nursery) that are also on the flightpath and would be seriously affected by the RSP proposals. Not only would the children have their studies interrupted during the day, but interrrupted sleep would undoubtedly affect their levels of concentration and ultimately their health! There is no other airport in the country where residential housing is so close to an airport and Manston does not have the longest runway in the country as they claim. There are at least 12 other airports which have longer runways!

To seriously suggest that a DCO of Manston Airport would be in the country's national interest because it is needed to fill the desperate shortage of cargo handling facilities is just too ridiculous for words. Over 90% of cargo into the country is brought in by sea and there is already more than enough capacity at other airports in the country. A recent study in a local paper revealed that even if Manston was to handle the maximum cargo it proposes, this would only be a minute fraction of the country's cargo as a whole and it would take years to build up such a business – if ever! Furthermore, why would anyone seriously want to land cargo at an airport with poor transport and communication links with the rest of the country. Manston is at least 30 miles from the nearest motorway.

It is obvious that many of the claims that RSP have made are totally without foundation and require further investigation to reveal the true facts. Their proposals amount to nothing without proper finance.

Lastly, I am concerned that I have not receive an email to say that my previous representation was received and I have heard of several others who have experienced likewise.