Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Perry Marchant

Date submitted
7 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Manston Airport is very important part of Thanets way of life.... To build houses on this land would be the most madness thing ever Employment in the area is badly needed so to keep Manston Airport would give so badly needed employmet. Travel to would be great, More people would use this airport from the south of the uk to europe and more.... There can also be airshows to bring in revenue to this area, Which is badly needed.. This airport is part of british history with thr RAF as its now 100 years old...The battle of Britain, Many spitfires took of from here...Many young men lost there lives to save us so to build houses would be a insalt to there memory.. Please Please keep this airport alive as a airport... It means so must to the many of the loyal poeple.. Thank you for reading this.. I know im not the best to explain things... Kind Regards...