Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Richard Burke

Date submitted
7 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the reopening and upgrading of Manston Airport as this will be an asset  localy and nationally for the following reasons:

We have a shortage of jobs in Thanet and the airport will create both skilled and non skilled employment.

The airport will attract businesses, boost the local economy and as a result create even more jobs.

The airport will be an important piece of infrastructure and employment especially with the proposed house building and increasing local population.

Provide relief for Heathrow and other busy airports by flying cargo into Manston.

Cheaper than building a third runway at Heathrow airport and could be the solution to the third runway issue.

Passenger flights from Manston will reduce carbon emissions as locals would not have to travel as far to an airport such as Gatwick.

Has one of the longest runways in Britain and can cope with any size plane.

Good road and rail links to transport cargo and people. Plenty of room to widen surrounding roads.

Room for a second runway on surounding land if needed in the future.

The airport has a long and important history dating back to WWW1 and this must be preserved for generations to come.

The airport would complement the RAF fire school.

Modern planes are getting quieter and would not disturb the peace especially If they were to do night flights. Night flights would meen more jobs.

We all new there is an airport close by before we moved to Thanet, therefore do not mind planes flying to and from Manstone.