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Representation by Gavin Tudor

Date submitted
8 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in the town of Ramsgate all of my life, and importantly directly beneath the Manston flightpath over a 38 year period, therefore I am personally aware of what the effects are of having planes fly into Manston on what ‘was’ a fairly infrequent basis until the airport failed ‘again’ for the fourth time back in 2014. In late 2012, I experienced extensive damage to the rear elevation roof of my property caused due to ‘vortex’ from a low flying off line aircraft that was too low on approach to Manston. Not only was my roof damaged extensively, but the falling debris also damaged my wife’s car and our conservatory roof signicantly. The operators of Manston Airport at that time took responsibility, and financed all of the repairs. But I stress, that this was back when flights were infrequent, and nothing of the levels being quoted by RSP, or as clearly detailed within this application. Back in a time when no flights were proposed through the night!!! Ramsgate is a very small, and historically deprived area, but having lived and worked here all my life, I can see that it’s finally a town that is ‘on the up’. People are relocating here from London, and other areas, and with that the local tourist reports are that trade is up, business is improving, this airport plan will put a very swift stop to all of that. Reason being, the proposed airport approach for these planes, (I’ve attended the RSP consultations) is directly over, our homes, our schools, our harbour and beaches and our parks, I ask you, who wants that, who would relocate for that? This brings me onto the historical aspect, against what’s proposed. Manston Airport has repeatedly failed as a commercial operation every time someone has tried to develop it. At its peak employing just 147 people... nowhere near the 1000’s being quoted and ‘promised’ by RSP, a company of failed individuals with previous links to previous failed attempts at Manston, with no financial credibility, no airport experience. Various consultants have looked at the viability of Manston, over the years, taking into consideration its ‘isolated location’ and ‘limited infrastructure’ an deemed it to be not viable. This application, ‘if it is accepted’ will have a massively detrimental effect on the local schools and children, local economy, and house prices and .... our health.
It simply cannot be permitted to happen.