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Representation by Mike Heath

Date submitted
8 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live under the flightpath in Ramsgate, including during a period when the previous airport at Manston was operational. I am primarily concerned about noise as I remember that in the past I was woken up by the low-flying aeroplanes over my house. The airport that is being proposed has significantly more flights planned during both night and day (up to 83,000 flights a year). I am worried the constant noise will disturb my sleep and also my peace of mind during the day. I can also remember my windows/roof would sometimes rattle noisily when planes flew over. Whilst I live in an old building, it is a recent development that conforms to all modern building regulations. I am worried that despite conforming to all modern building regulations the integrity of my home's structure can be put under threat by being under the flightpath of aeroplanes. Finally, as someone who sometimes suffers from asthma, I am worried about the health implications of the increased particulate and NO2 pollution that would occur under the proposed airport plan. The proposal does not give sufficient data to support claims that pollution will not be a problem and it does not appear to take seriously the effect of NO2 pollution.