Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Peter Trow

Date submitted
8 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Its becoming clear that the best way to cause the minimum environmental damage is to move stuff around by air. The road system is overloaded already and is about to get worse In areas such as Kent, its important for future living standards that the opportunities for permanent employment exist close by to avoid long commutes to more prosperous areas. Housing schemes employ tradesmen whilst under construction but not once finished. It must be borne in mind that, if a facility as large as Manston is allowed to be destroyed, its very unlikely that runways capable of accommodating larger aircraft will ever be built again. Airports around the country are being destroyed and this is a very short sighted policy as even the smaller ones could be vital in the future for logistical purposes. Larger airports are under strain from over use and others capable of improvement and further development will be urgently needed to relieve the pressure. When its gone its gone. So keep it and use it and give employment to local communities