Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mr George Charles Treloar

Date submitted
8 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write to support to bringing Manston Airport back into operation.

I am retired and no dependant children living here in Thanet, therefore answering with a truly open view.

Local jobs are in desperate need for a boost as Thanet is one of the worst ares for employment in the South.

I would also suggest we look back at the winters over the last 10 years in relation to not just Gatwick / Heathrow / Stanstead & Luton where snow or visibility has prevented in cancelling or delayed flights. Now look at the same time how Thanet is effected. Being so close to the sea it brings in the benefits of less snow and weather issues which effect Gatwick (Fog).

Durring the winter it is true the roads also become blocked, but again I suggest look closer, from Manston you have two main outlets to London M2 and the M20 both easy accessible.

Having a long run-way must help with Freight.

Therefore shift all London freight to Manston from Gatwick & Heathrow by giving intensives, Therefore their is no need for another runway at London Gatwick or Heathrow saving millions of pounds & keep Manston free for emergencies during the winter months when flights cant land.

The M25 would also be reduced if Gatwick or Heathrow shifted their freight to Manston. But the time Manston is fully up and running the new river crossing would be in place.

If at the same time, Ramsgate Harbour could be used to transport aviation fuel from fuel deports by ship, then by running a pipe line the short distance would again help the environment in not seeing tanker lorries and overheads reduced.

The objectors Those who live under its flight path: This arguably can be answered, who were first here the airport or the houses under its flight path. That any new runway at London would have the same problems or even more.

Another business wants to developer the land and promising homes and businesses. This is the same company which took over the old site at Sandwich and promised the same. But Thanet has never seen any benefit to previous investment and at the same time the infrastructure of services would not cope with the demand they are suggesting. They are a business and only want to make money.