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Representation by Mr Paul Tobin

Date submitted
9 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wholeheartedly support the application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) to re-open Manston Airport as an international air freight hub, with some passenger flights. Despite repeated barriers being placed in their path, RSP have consistently displayed their commitment to re-open Manston Airport. Their plans, which have been made public as part of the consultation DCO process, show they have the determination, professional skill and financial resource to provide an unprecedented amount of local investment which will bring economic benefit to an area with severe social deprivation and a poor local economy. Thanet has consistently had above average unemployment rates due to an economy based on low productivity and low wage businesses. This was a crucial factor that influenced the decision by Central Government to award Thanet “Assisted Area Status” (effectively State Aid). In July 2018, Kent County Council reported that unemployment in Thanet was 4.9%, the highest rate in Kent, and that Thanet also had the highest rate of unemployment for 18-24 year olds in South East England at 7.2%. The Social Mobility Commission Report (2017) identified Thanet as ranking 275 out of 324 local authority areas, with local children having the poorest prospects of social mobility in Kent. Thanet was also ranked 316 (out of 324) for poorest employment and earnings. The DCO clearly offers more advantageous opportunities for the local population and the wider area, and a multi-million pound international air freight hub at Manston Airport would stimulate the economies of Thanet, Kent and whole of the South East. The alternative scenario is that the airport be developed into a giant housing estate, which would swamp local infrastructure, health and education services. The only people to gain from the housing development on the airport site would be Stone Hill Park Ltd and their investors, none of which have any links or loyalty to Thanet, and who appear to be motivated by significant personal financial gain at the detriment of local people and services. Therefore, the DCO must be granted to ensure that regeneration of Thanet and to provide a sound future for generations to come.