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Representation by Diana Bourne

Date submitted
9 September 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Does the applicant really have financial backing for this project? Is it ‘real’ money? How is the money going to be guaranteed? Will the investors be made to pay/take out some sort of financial bond so that the money will not run out? Economic viability of plan: Will this to be scrutinised fully against market trends? Will companies want to bring their goods into Manston based in the very east of Kent and then transport those goods by road through the congested south east? Many years ago I was employed to sell cargo space for goods coming into Manston – very difficult to do due to its location and the location has not changed but the roads are busier. The safety of those living under/close to the flight path. Is there going to be a safety exclusion zone? Existing home are under the flight path and planning permission has been granted for more even homes closer to the runway. Are houses going to be compulsory purchased? Will home owners be compensated for the reduction in value homes? Will noise insulation be provided free of cost? I live under the flight path approximately 1.5 miles from the end of the runway – my roof was severely damaged by the vortex from a cargo aircraft resulting in the airport operator at the time having to pay. In 2012 (approximately) my neighbour across the road had damage to her roof from vortex.
Night flights: Will this be full investigated? Are the plane landings going to be from aircraft rejected by other airports because the are noisy, old and do not meet modern design? How many night flights will there be? It is important to get a realistic worst case scenario. I went to a RSP meeting and was told they did not want night flights only in cases of emergency (humanitarian) but the application say RSP ‘welcomes support for night flights’ and this is why Manston will be chosen by operators as they will be free. Health Implications: The cost to human health could be wide ranging and the particulate pollution form the freight hub would seriously impact on the majority of the residents on the Isle of Thanet and beyond. I could not find any analysis in RSP’s statutory consultation. The question has to be asked – Why? Aircraft recycling plant: Again I worry about pollution. What will happen to those parts that cannot be recycled? Will they be sent back to the country of origin of the aircraft or is RSP sending them to landfill in Kent? Historic Ramsgate, conservation areas, biodiversity, jobs lost in the area due to noise and pollution plus much more I cannot raise in the five hundred word allowance. The people of this area are relying on you to carry out a fair and unbiased assessment that will only be influenced by FACT not pressure political beliefs.